Winter break boredom

When I go on winter break, it starts out like a dream. Instead of having tests, homework, meetings, my work study job, all I have to do is hang out. I can do anything I want! The problem is that technology gets in the way of being productive. You know the story. You click on a Buzzfeed story and for the next four hours you end up looking at more videos of babies laughing than you knew existed.

Instead of lounging on the couch for hours browsing the entire internet, try these fun activities.

My sister has been crocheting for a couple of years and can now make full baby blankets. Photo courtesy of Maricel Ferraro
My sister has been crocheting for a couple of years and can now make full baby blankets.
Photo courtesy of Maricel Ferraro

1. Learn how to knit/ crochet/ sew.

With the right amount of research on YouTube, you can learn how to do anything from knitting a scarf for yourself to sewing a simple headband. I have tried a little bit of knitting in the past and it can be pretty nice when you actually make something – even if it’s just a square you pretend is a coaster. Go on Pinterest for some cool ideas, but don’t stay for too long. When you scroll through all the projects, you’ll either get really discouraged by people crocheting small stuffed animals or you’ll get overly confident about you’re ability to “make a scarf in 30 minutes or less.”

2. Start a journal and actually write in it.

For some more interesting ways to write about your life, read one of my other articles, Starting a journal.

3. Review your course materials.

It may seem lame, but you could look over some of the things you’ve covered so you’re not lost when you get back to school. This is especially true for languages and math. It’s always a pain to have that professor that expects you to remember every detail of your previous courses. Brush up on your Italian grammar and vocab even if it’s just for 15 minutes a day. You’ll notice the difference when you get back and feel like you’ve actually done something with your life.

4. Find exercise that you’ll actually enjoy.

The thought of going to a gym makes me want to crawl under the covers and eat freshly made chocolate turtles. That being said, I can’t just lie around like cholesterol and diabetes don’t exist. Everyone has to find out what works for them. This can mean getting a group of people together to play basketball at the YMCA, indoor swimming, walking in the freezing cold, or riding on a Razar scooter. For me, biking is the most appealing option. Winter isn’t an excuse to lay on the couch all day.

5. Learn or relearn an instrument.

Many people learn to play an instrument at some point in their lifes, whether it be trumpet or piano. Looking up some YouTube videos or buying some cheap music books at a local shop can turn you into a recorder master! In all seriousness, learning how to play “A Whole New World” on recorder is a guaranteed epic adventure. You’re welcome.

My sister was the genius who sculpted Caesar's window into our ginger breadwonder.
My sister was the genius who sculpted Caesar’s window into our ginger breadwonder.

5. Build a ginger bread mansion.

It’s one thing to make an ginger bread house, and it’s another to make a mansion or deluxe cottage. This activity is not just for small children or evil witches that want to eat children. You could get really creative and make Caesar’s house from the Planet of the Apes.

6. Design the best ugly sweater ever.

I personally have not done this, but my younger sister loved creating hideous clothing. She and my mom went to Goodwill and bought a less than beautiful sweater. After a lot of hot glue gunning and ribbon tying, my sister came back with an obnoxious item she could trade at an ugly sweater swap.

7. Learn to cook something humans would want to eat.

After learning how to make real pasta, even the thought of Roman noodles makes me want to run away. The best alternative to this torture is to make a lot of edible noodles and keep some as leftovers for quick access. Use winter break to come up with easy recipes you can duplicate in your dorm room kitchen. Mix in some cream of chicken and some vegetables and you already have a tastier meal. If you don’t have a kitchen, take two minutes to look up in-a-mug recipes for the microwave. It won’t be fancy cuisine, but it will bring some variety to your diet when you feel like passing up on cafeteria food.

College Summers

It’s finally summer. After all the final exams, group projects, and presentations, college students are finally able to relax. Most students have been out for about a month. For some, the summer is a magical time where they can enjoy freedom from everything. Others sometimes find the whole experience slightly disappointing. Check out the Storify article below to see the different types of summer college students experience.